Heritage impact statements, or Statements of Heritage Impact (SoHI) are required when changes or adjustments to a local or State heritage listed item are planned.
MTS Heritage has prepared hundreds of SoHIs, which are submitted to the consent authority to support clients to achieve positive heritage outcomes.
A SoHI involves an assessment of heritage impacts likely to be generated by the intended works – including a consideration of potential impacts to setting, curtilage, built typology, height, bulk, scale, morphology, materiality, colours and setbacks.
Our team of proficient heritage consultants, alongside specialists such as architects, advisors, and anthropologists, have prepared heritage impact statements for a diverse group of clients and heritage places.
For more information about Heritage Impact Statements or to discuss the archaeological needs of your project, please contact Fiona Leslie, MTS Heritage Director & Principal Heritage Consultant t. 0412 468 950 e. fiona.leslie@mtsheritage.com.au
