A Conservation Management Plan (CMP) is a key tool for caring for heritage places. A CMP is often required when there is a plan to modify or make substantial changes to a heritage-listed building or place, and should be submitted as part of a development application to the relevant planning authority.
MTS Heritage can prepare a CMP that will make management decisions easier and guide actions from routine maintenance through to large-scale changes.
The CMP will have recommended actions, in priority order, that should be undertaken. Our team includes architects, advisors, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists who draw on a combination of skills to prepare management plans for a diverse group of clients and heritage places.
For more information about Conservation Management Plans or to discuss the archaeological needs of your project, please contact Fiona Leslie, MTS Heritage Director & Principal Heritage Consultant, t. 0412 468 950 e. fiona.leslie@mtsheritage.com.au
