Defence Housing Australia (DHA) propose to construct a new accommodation building at Victoria Barracks Sydney. Following the preparation of an Archaeological Research Design by Jacobs, MTS Heritage was engaged by DHA to direct and supervise the Jacobs archaeology team to determine the absence or presence of historical archaeological remains. The investigation revealed structural remains of the c1840s stables and Officer’s Quarters privy and the results of the test excavation were detailed in an Excavation Report. Subsequent open area excavation recommended by MTS Heritage revealed the full extent of the privy and a former coal store and cellar not labelled on historical plans. Given the extent, condition and significance of the remains, they will now be conserved within the new design with heritage interpretation options incorporated.
Responsibilities included: Preparation of an Archaeological Research Design and detailed Excavation Report. The supervision and direction of a small team of archaeologists to ensure all State and Nationally significant archaeological deposits and features were exposed, recorded and conserved in-situ. Provision of advice to DHA on future management and conservation requirements.