Transport for NSW is undertaking the Sydney Terminal Area Reconfiguration (STAR) as part of the More Trains, More Services Project. The project aims to maximise railway infrastructure between Sydney Terminal, Erskineville Junction and Macdonaldtown Station. Following the preparation of an Archaeological Research Design by Jacobs, MTS Heritage was engaged by Transport for NSW to direct the archaeological monitoring program to identify historical archaeological relics during trackwork excavation. The monitoring identified substantially intact twentieth century brick ash pits, nineteenth century brick inspection pits associated with the former 1870s Locomotive Workshops, buried in-situ sleepers and rails and later structural remains of former twentieth century buildings. Once the works are complete, the results of the archaeological investigation will be presented in a detailed Excavation Report and inform an Interpretation Strategy. This strategy will aim to communicate information recovered from the investigation and display significant artefacts to the general public.
Responsibilities included: The supervision and direction of small and large teams of archaeologists to ensure all local and State significant archaeological deposits and features were exposed and recorded in accordance with archaeological best practice. Preparation of a revised impact assessment and research design. Provision of heritage advice to Transport for NSW.