Rebel Property is preparing to redevelop the site for a new residential and commercial premises. Following the preparation of an Historical Archaeological Assessment and Research Design by Urbis and issue of a DA by City of Sydney Council and S140 Permit by Heritage NSW, MTS Heritage was engaged to direct the open area archaeological salvage program. The excavation revealed a substantially intact cobbled surface dating to the early twentieth century above substantial remains of former single-room brick shops dating from the 1860s. An earlier brick and sandstone box drain dating to the 1830s was also identified below the shop remains. The relics included a significant underfloor deposit associated with a former bootmaker’s shop and the analysis of artefacts recovered from this deposit will provide significant insights into commercial Sydney during the mid-nineteenth century.
Responsibilities included: The supervision and direction of the Urbis archaeology team to ensure significant archaeological deposits and features were exposed and recorded. A detailed Excavation Report will be prepared by Urbis and MTS Heritage following artefact processing and analysis.